
Tinyspace (Max4Live)

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Tinyspace (Max4Live)

14 ratings

Tinyspace by Undulae

Tinyspace is a small, primitive reverb. It’s not something you would use to simulate big, lush spaces. It’s much more useful for generating metallic, jangly, resonant sounds, or for adding really short diffusion to give tight, mono percussive sounds a subtle sense of depth without losing their punch. It lets you get into those spaces that a lot of reverbs don’t let you. 


  • Input (gain)
  • Input HP
  • Input LP
  • Size
  • Feedback 
  • Crossfeed 
  • Wet/Dry
  • Output (gain)

The core component is a diffusion network of 20 delay lines in total (10 for the left side and 10 for the right) with two allpass filters at the input of each.

Before the incoming dry signal is sent to the diffusion network, it passes through an input gain control (level controlled by the “Input” knob). After that, it passes through both a highpass (Input HP) and a low pass filter (Input LP). 

Upon entering the diffusion network, the signal is individually sent to all 20 delay lines. The delay time of each of these ranges from 1 ms to 50 ms, and the delay times are all scaled using the "Size" parameter. Low Size settings will result in very tight, short reverbs. Higher Size settings will result in longer, looser sounding reverbs. 

The feedback amount for all delay lines is controlled universally by the “Feedback” parameter. Increasing this parameter simulates more reflective spaces, and will dramatically lengthen the decay time of the reverb. 

The “Crossfeed” parameter takes the outputs of a few of the delay lines on the right side and feeds them into various delay lines the left side, passing through their own individually tuned allpass filters with feedback in the process. 

The mix between the incoming dry signal and the wet signal (output of the diffusion network) can be controlled with the “Mix” knob. 

The output gain can be controlled by the “Output” knob.

Tested in Live 10, 11, and 12. It works perfectly in 11 and 12, but 10 gets a little wonky with the text colors and background colors not being great for readability. Still works though.



Tinyspace v1.0.1

  • fixed bug causing the Dry/Wet parameter to reset to the default value upon loading a Live set despite automation present that should set it to a different value
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